Oceanic Tarot

Oceanic Tarot

The Oceanic Tarot is an ocean and mermaid themed deck of 78 cards. The major arcana are pretty cards featuring mermaids, while the minor arcana are unproblematic sea-life themed pip cards in suits of Dolphins (Cups), Sea Turtles (Pentacles), Sharks (Swords) and Seahorses (Wands).

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Oceanic Tarot Review by medusawink

Initially quite bonny simply ultimately unsatisfying, the Oceanic Tarot is the deck that could take been amazing, just is instead cliched and unimaginative. The ocean is, for us, non only a source of life, simply of myth and mystery. And then, with all the potential the ocean contains for a various and fascinating tarot, why is this deck focused on mer-people of almost storybook simplicity?

This is a 78 card deck, with 22 Major Arcana and 56 Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana is fully illustrated. Several cards have been renamed � The Empress is now The Queen of the Ocean; The Emperor is The King of the Ocean; Temperance is The Angel of the Sea; and The Devil is The Vortex. The Modest Arcana are pip cards with a sea-life themes. Cups have been designated as Dolphins, Pentacles are at present Sea Turtles, Swords are Sharks, and Wands have get Seahorses.

The Minor Arcana has non got much to recommend it. Information technology is clear that i prototype for each suit has existence painted, then cut and pasted advertisement nauseam over the aforementioned monotonous backgrounds. The Court cards are nicely rendered and the Folio, Knight, Queen, and King are all accompanied by the symbolic animal of their respective suits. There is such an atmosphere of ennui about the Pocket-sized Arcana that it begs the question � did the artist run out of ideas and enthusiasm or could they only not exist bothered illustrating the whole deck?

The cards measure lxxx 10 130 mm, which makes them a adequately standard sized tarot deck. The card stock is splendid. It is light and very flexible, with a smooth and sleeky stop. The cards have a squeamish weight to them and they are very like shooting fish in a barrel to shuffle. The print quality is proficient � with clean, crisp images and vivid, clear colours. The artwork is the weakest point of this tarot. While it is not really bad, information technology is fairly deadening and uninspiring. The images themselves are rather devoid of detail � symbolic or otherwise. Indeed they are so simple every bit to be almost cartoonish in nature. The mer-people are strangely proportioned with broad shoulders tapering down to impossibly sparse lower portions with peculiarly insufficient tails. Having a lack of actual mer-people to compare these images to doesn't help the viewer or creative person.

The artist's palette is beautiful � shades of dark-green, blue, aqua, mauve, violet and golden-greenish dominate the deck in a smoothen, swirling strokes. There are no borders, the images reach to the edge of the cards. A narrow white lozenge at the top of the illustration contains the number and championship of the carte, and some other at the lesser has a keyword or concept. The image on the back of the card � a colourful,curving wave with diving fish � is not reversible.

The cards and guidebook come packaged in a solid paper-thin box with a pull-off chapeau. It is made to slide hands into a backpack, and withstand the rigours of travel without sustaining damage. It is printed with images from the Oceanic Tarot, with the deck's title in silver foil. Information about the cards, and publisher�south details are printed on the back.

The 64 page guidebook is written by the deck�s conceptual creator � Jayne Wallace. Printed in gorgeous full-colour on heavy, satiny paper this slim book provides the user with all the necessary information to get started with this deck. The Introduction explains the origins of the deck, every bit well as giving the Seeker some practical tips for using the tarot. This is followed by some commonsense advice about �How to Begin a Reading".

A collection of 7 layouts is included in the chapter titled �The Oceanic Spreads". This includes a daily depict, a iii-card depict, a 5-carte depict, a 7 card layout, iii menu yep or no layout, the Celtic Cantankerous, and vii-bill of fare weekly spread. The Major Arcana cards have a page each featuring Keywords, a description/caption of the illustration, a lengthy exposition on the carte du jour�south Significant, followed past a brusk piece of Communication.

The Minor Arcana receives considerably less attention � they still become Keywords (e'er helpful), a shorter divinatory meaning, and a brief piece of Advice. The interpretations are fairly average � goose egg revolutionary or progressive � but definitely reliable.

If yous are drawn to an ocean themed tarot, love mermaids, or are attracted to the lucid colours of the bounding main then this deck may be of interest to you. If you are looking for a unproblematic and simple tarot and so the Oceanic Tarot is worth checking out. And if you lot have an affinity for pip-menu tarot decks and then you may discover this gear up to be an attractive option.

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Complete Deck Details

Name: Oceanic Tarot
Creators: Jayne Wallace, Jane Delaford-Taylor
Publisher: Cico Books 2016
Deck Type: Tarot Deck
Cards: 78
Major Arcana: 22
Minor Arcana: 56
Menu Size: 3.15 10 5.12 in. = 8.00cm x 13.00cm
Card Language: English
Card Back: Non-reversible
Dorsum Blueprint: Multi-coloured paradigm of dolphins in a cresting wave
Companion Material: A 64 page guidebook past Jayne Wallace is packaged with the deck.

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Theme: Ocean
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